Welcome to Silver Lining Global Solutions

What do you need?

You hold a vision of contributing to real climate change solutions that align with development needs and create new opportunities. Your team needs support to design and implement workable strategies, policies and programs to transform that vision into practical action. Your organisation needs to engage effectively with diverse stakeholders to understand their needs, leverage their support and create a shared pathway to a common vision.

How can Silver Lining help you?

My name is Catherine Leining, and I created Silver Lining as an independent consultancy to help people plan and implement effective climate change strategies through:
  • Visioning and scenario development
  • Designing and implementing strategies, policies and programmes
  • Influencing government policy processes and the international climate change negotiations
  • Engaging with stakeholders and building consensus through dialogue
  • Growing partnerships for mutual benefit.
Our work together can help you answer the question: “What future do I want and how can I help now?”

Want to know more? Learn about the kind of work I do here. I also invite you to join the conversation on the Silver Lining blog.

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