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I created Silver Lining Global Solutions because I understand that practical solutions are already available for addressing climate change and further innovation could produce exciting opportunities. I’ve seen how effective action and results are often blocked by the perceived distribution of costs and benefits and the fear of deprivation, competition for scarce resources and “win-lose” outcomes.

My vision is to:

  • transform the response to climate change from one based on fear to one based on understanding and meeting people’s fundamental needs, enabling them to thrive within the real constraints of the world’s resources.
  • …support people to take strong, practical, collective action to mitigate climate change—not because we have to, but because we want to.
  • …develop empowering climate change strategies, policies and programmes that generate co-benefits and achieve your organizational objectives whether you are inside or outside of government. I have particular expertise in the use of market-based mechanisms like emissions trading.
  • benefit from lessons learned to date from climate change initiatives in both developed and developing countries as well as through the international climate change negotiations and multilateral programs.
  • connect with a global network of contacts working on climate change issues to help you access specialised topical or regional expertise and identify potential partners.
  • …design and implement effective engagement initiatives. I recognize that even the best strategies, policies and programs will only deliver change if they have won the hearts and minds of individuals. This requires early and ongoing engagement with stakeholders, both internal and external.
  • give voice to your vision in ways that will inspire understanding, support and action. Together we can translate complex climate change science and policy issues into clear messages and choices that people can understand, using language that speaks to the heart.

I can help you…

I specialize in using facilitated dialogue across diverse interest groups to build understanding, invite genuine collaboration and test proposals. This approach—based on careful listening, mutual respect, needs assessment and constructive problem solving—helps move people from polarisation toward consensus.

My work through Silver Lining is motivated by a deep personal commitment to meaningful climate change action and a genuine interest in understanding the needs of people with diverse viewpoints on climate change responses.

Want to learn more? Read about who I am and how I work.
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